Amy Hoy & Alex Hillman - 30x500 Academy
“What if I launch a product that nobody wants to buy?”
Most of us, when we want to ship a product, we start at the beginning and with the most obvious ingredient: the product.
Because when you can create, the act of creating feels most natural and straightforward.
But it makes it so easy to end up with a product that nobody wants to buy.
And isn't that every new entrepreneur's worst nightmare? All that work, and nobody cares.
Failure. Not even dramatic failure — a flop, a fizzle.
A product that nobody wants to buy.
Let's press pause that horror scenario for a moment and consider the alternative...
What if you knew that your product would launch to happy customers and predictable sales on day one?
If you knew exactly what your customers want, you could simply show them how to get it.
You could stop cringing, "But I'm not an expert…" because you'd know exactly how to help people.
You could stop worrying, “Will anyone want this?” because you'd know they do.
You could stop wondering, "What if they don't like it?" because you made it just for them.
You could kick your fears to the curb and get shit done.
You could launch your new product to an excited list of people who trust you, who happily pay for things, and who want what you have to offer them.
You might even hear the magic words: “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!”
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