[Free Download] Dain Walker – Personal Branding Kit

Dain Walker - Personal Branding Kit

Will this work for me in my industry?

Absolutely, this course has been designed to work for people that want to build a personal brand, whether you’re navigating the complex waters of tech startups, carving out a niche in the creative arts, establishing authority in financial services, or pioneering sustainability movements. This Personal Branding Kit will provide you with the tools, skills, and strategies to resonate with your target audience.

What if I have no followers?

That’s fine. Everyone starts at ground zero. We’ve designed this course for people that are beginners all the way to people that are already in the game. You will learn how to attract followers as a part of the core learnings.

How long Is the Course?

There are 12 modules with 20 interactive exercises. We estimate that you’ll spend about 15 hours completing the exercises and 3 hours watching the videos. Depending on your speed and whether you redo or rewatch modules, you will likely spend about 3-4 days completing the course if you dedicate good blocks of consistent time to it.

How do I access the course materials?

  • What is the difference between your course and your book?
  • They are designed to be complimentary and cover different topics.

If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.

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