[Free Download] Daniel Berry – Facebook For Niche Sites

Daniel Berry - Facebook For Niche Sites

I have experimented with the pricing of this course a lot over the last few months. This is the first course I have ever created, so I didn’t know what to price it at.

Many people have purchased at a higher price and have been thrilled with the course. However, I have also been contacted by many people affected by the HCU who can’t afford to purchase a full-priced course.

I know that pain, having been in similar positions before when everything seems to go tits up!

So, I have decided to reduce the price but make forum access separate. I hope this gives a good balance to people who paid full price for the course when it had just launched. They put a lot of trust in me when everything was brand new, and I didn’t want those people to feel hard done to, but I also want to help the people who are struggling right now.

This is the final price. There will be no promotions or offers, and it will stay at this price for the foreseeable future. I hope to see you in the community forum—it is really worth the small additional fee!

If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.

If our Site helped you as well. A small Donation is greatly appreciated.

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