Barry Plaskow - SAS Affiliate
No One Left Behind. Now That's A Pretty Big Promise!
I've always seen the value in affiliate marketing. I think it's a great concept. In fact, I have a team of affiliates who promote and sell the training courses and virtual summits I create. Yet, as much as I love affiliate marketing, it's something that I've struggled to master.
I've spent a lot of time and money going though top rated training programs, only to find that I had to invest in exorbitantly expensive tools and platforms just to implement the methods and strategies being taught. In fact, I started to believe that earning high affiliate commissions was out of my reach.
Enter SAS Affiliate. This comprehensive, yet easy to follow system has been put together by Barry Plaskow and Jason Caluori, two powerhouses in the online marketing world. But it doesn't end there! Barry and Jason are joined by a star studded line-up of online superstars who wanted to be part of this exciting new platform.
What's so special about SAS Affiliate? Why do highly successful 7 and 8 figure earners want to join in the fun and share their valuable experience?
Because Barry and Jason have created something that really is different. That stands apart from the pack. Not only have they demystified the entire process, they have tied it into a platform that has been optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and is the perfect companion to any one doing business online. But more on that later...
First, let's take a look at what SAS Affiliate gives you:
Over the Shoulder Step-By-Step Videos. Get Your Affiliate Offer Up and Running in 48 Hours
Live Full Day Monster Day Mastermind Training
4 Weekly Done With You Sessions to Get Your 1st Ever Rank!
Jason’s High Converting Website Templates
Early Access to RS Affiliate Programs With 40% Commissions
$10,000 1st to Rank Competition (details coming up)
Additional Templates ($10,000 Value)
The Pros - What Makes SAS Affiliate So Great?
Have you ever just wanted someone who knows what they’re doing to show you exactly what it takes to get results? Someone willing to take you behind the scenes and show you how they set up their own affiliate campaigns.
Explaining why they do it the way they do.
Removing the complexity, confusion and overwhelm…
Pointing out what works and what doesn’t.
How much time, money and heartache do you think having an easy to follow blueprint would save you?
The team behind SAS Affiliate are recognized and highly respected industry leaders in internet marketing. This is more than just theory. You have an 8-figure earner taking you through a series of over-the-shoulder videos, showing you step-by-step how to set up and rank your affiliate campaigns in record time.
Jason shows you what you should consider when selecting a product to promote as an affiliate and how to research the market and select the best keywords. Then Jason demonstrates how to take those keywords and craft them into professionally written articles to ensure you get the best search engine optimization possible.
Jason goes on to show you how to build your site and the quickest and easiest ways to build links and power up your page.
But it doesn’t stop there. As a member of SAS Affiliate, you have early access to high converting products and dozens of pre-built templates to help you get your sites up and ranking quickly.
Quite frankly, I’ve learnt more going through this training and the member only webinars then I have learnt from all the other affiliate marketing training programs I’ve completed.
For me, SAS Affiliate was a no brainer. It is a vital resource for my business. They are adding more material, tools, and templates all the time. The SAS Affiliate membership and private Facebook group is a resource I’ll continue to access for years to come.
The Cons - What Could Be Better?
I’m honestly having trouble coming up with something negative to say about the product or the team behind it. The old saying, “Do you mind if we over deliver?” is a little cliché these days… but Barry and Jason have continued to do just that.
If I was to find any fault, it’s that their live training webinars start at 3.30am my time. So, I can’t really get on the live training and ask questions. Plus, I have to wait until the replays are posted. But that’s a tiny inconvenience in the overall scheme of things.
The Final Verdict - Why You Should Invest in SAS Affiliate Today!
Yes, there are a lot of affiliate marketing training programs out there. The problem is many affiliate trainers make the whole process seem so complicated and murky. With other trainings I’ve gone through it feels like a never-ending grab for the credit card as they recommend one more expensive tool after the other.
SAS Affiliate is a breath of fresh air and is by far the best online marketing training I’ve come across! Barry and Jason leave no stone un-turned. They are dedicated to making sure you have tools and resources to launch successful affiliate campaigns.
When you combine SAS Affiliate with GroovePages you have a powerful, optimized, online marketing arsenal at your disposal.
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.