Alex Cattoni – Write & Ignite Challenge
Want a proven sales page formula that has made millions?
Are you an entrepreneur who needs a high-converting sales page that actually works in today’s online marketing climate?
Are you a new founder, coach or consultant ready to put your work out there but don’t have thousands of dollars to pay a copywriter (yet)?
Are you a freelance copywriter who is struggling with a client’s sales page and needs fast-track guidance to get high-quality copy out in under a week?
Or are you an aspiring copywriter who wants to have a freshly-minted professional sales page in your portfolio so you can get clients ASAP?
Join Alex Cattoni, Founder of The Copy Posse, for her 5-Day Write & Ignite challenge.
In this step-by-step video program, Alex will teach you the EXACT sales page formula and writing process she has used to help dozens of businesses execute multi-million-dollar launches and countless students land high-paying copywriting projects and clients.
Claim your spot and join the Challenge now.
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