August Bradley - The Notion Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults Course
PPV is a Life Operating System built in Notion, designed to bring Focus & Alignment to your life. Focus to ruthlessly zero in on what you need to do today. Alignment to ensure you're doing the right things on any given day, aligning your high level aspirations with what you are spending your time on.
And PPV incorporates a powerful Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system into your life and work — screening, capturing, organizing, optimizing the information you come across in your life, then resurfacing the most valuable knowledge at the right time and right place for you to take action.
Designed by August Bradley specifically for the Notion platform (leveraging what only Notion can do), this approach solves the problems of older scattered methodologies designed around Evernote, OneNote, Todoist/Things, Trello, Asana, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc...
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.
Can you provide notion link associated with the course? Thanks.
will look for it.
Wow, this is a game-changer course.
But the problem is that the product owner deleted the link for downloading the Master PPV Notion template.
Without this notion template, the course is very difficult to implement.
I am sure someone was able to download the template before it was taken down by August Bradley.
It’d be great if someone can duplicate the Master PPV notion template and upload it here on, for the rest of us.
Or maybe the admin can look for the link.
i’m trying to find it for you guys.
thanks for sharing, crossing my fingers you manage to find the template 😉 keep up the good work!
Still didn’t find it, sorry guys. will keep looking.
thanks, much appreciated
Im pretty familiar with Notion as I have taken some training – the way the template is shared is through a notion workspace and the owner makes it available to ‘Duplicate’ into your own Notion Workspace (in case you dont know).
The owner of the PPV Workspace (probably August Bradley) – controls who has access to this template through the security settings in Notion. Im assuming every new sign-up to his course he gives them access to the template through his Notion Workspace. So not sure if this can be copied in this manner. For example, here is a link to his free templates he gives when you sign-up to his newsletter (so you can see what I am talking about):