Gene Maryushenko – E-Com Swipe (Agency)
Frustrated with low e-commerce conversions and sales?
People come to your store, look around, even add things to cart but never finish their purchase? I know, it's tiring.
As an e-commerce store owner you work hard to get your quality products the attention they deserve. You spend money on marketing, SEO and paid advertising, it's a lot of work. But unless people are buying, it's a waste of time.
I know this frustrating feeling well, and my clients experience it all the time. So much so, that they are okay paying a $3,000 audit fee to have it fixed.
They know a bump in conversions could mean a HUGE difference between getting by, and thriving.
After many audits, I noticed a pattern. Most e-commerce websites with poor conversions and sales share the same problem areas.
Luckily, you can tip the scale in your favor.
So I decided to compile a database of tested conversion strategies. It saves you time and money and works for you on day one. Without the hefty fee.
Best of all, you can glance it over in 2 minutes and apply right away to see actual results.
I used these strategies on my own clients who saw $10 million in new revenue as a direct result.
I always run into e-commerce stores making simple mistakes that if they fixed them, they’d see a lot more people buying. But, not everyone has a spare $3k.
So I packaged the best of what I know, things that you can fix right away, into an affordable asset accessible to all. You'll have full access to an Airtable full of explanations, visual examples, and tags. Sort by difficulty or page type for quick reference.
It's always updated so you get new strategies for free as I add them.
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