Mike Dillard - Be Prepared
What You Get:
I’ll show you how I “pivoted” my business after the crash of 2008, and made $3.2 million in less than 7 days.
How to identify and stop the two biggest mistakes you’re probably making right now that will destroy your business during this crisis. (This is why my first business failed after 9-11).
Learn what to say to your customers and prospects ASAP. Pretending it’s “business as usual” is a massive mistake.
If your sales are starting to slow, I’ll show you how to fix that.
If you’re running low on cash, I’ll show you how to fix that.
Yes, you can turn events like this into massive opportunities just like AirBNB Cloudflare, Github, Pinterest, Sendgrid, Slack, Stripe, Uber, and Whatsapp have, and I’ll show you how.
What I’ve done, (and the wealthiest mentors in my life have done), to “crisis-proof” our lives and businesses. Once you do the same, you’ll never have to worry about events like this again.
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.