Peter Szabo - Source Hacker
After having worked with hundreds of private clients and thousands of students from all walks of life, I started to notice the patterns between people the achieved major results quickly and people who couldn’t succeed no matter what, even if the “answers” were handed to them on a silver platter.
I discovered that it doesn’t matter what kind of strategies or tactics people tried on the outside (either personally or professionally), the breakthrough wouldn’t happen unless they changed how they perceived themselves from within.
That's why I developed the Source Hacker System, so that anyone could create a life they love ‘on demand' by designing and becoming and upgraded version of themselves.
Introducing SourceHacker
Going through life I noticed that humanity experiences a lot of suffering in the world due to outdated paradigms, education systems and self-sabotage. We’re born, we go through life, we form a strong sense of identity and then we may seek more health, wealth, love or happiness but our results can NEVER exceed our perception of self.
That’s why I created the Source Hacker System™ – to empower people with the knowledge and tools so that they can break free from the past and create a life they love and deserve – simply by becoming a 2.0 version of themselves.
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Thanks for share this course, guys, your efforts are really appreciate. I have a question, is the course complete? Or will you upload it in parts?
Thank you again for being great with this community. 🙂
It was a mistake. The Course has been fully uploaded now. Please Download the torrent file again.