Grace Lever - The Workshop Project
The Workshop Project is a 6 week masterclass to create your own workshop without the overwhelm.
If you’d like to launch or grow your business using the power of Live Workshops, then this course is for you!
Get ready to rocket your coaching or consulting business faster than ever before.
In this 6 Module online course, you’ll discover the exact strategies Grace used to generate over $1 million from almost 100 events with over 6,000 sold-out tickets.
She walks you behind-the-scenes on the formula she’s developed to fill a room with your ideal clients without big budgets. You’ll access her exact presentations, scripts, ads, emails and more to help you get in front of your ideal clients and host your own 5-figure workshops.
Here’s What You’ll Get:
- Build your One Great Half-Day Workshop over 6 weeks with Grace’s simple, practical training (VALUE $5,382);
- Lifetime Access to the step-by-step Workshop Project training portal (VALUE $1,997);
- Grace’s fast-tracked VIP Weekend Toolkit to host your first VIP Weekend Away (VALUE $5,000);
- 12 Months Unlocked Access to the Doing Academy Community to connect with thousands of other like-minded female entrepreneurs (VALUE $1,997)
- First 5 Do-er’s to receive a Private, One-on-one Skype Consultation with Grace (VALUE $500)
About Grace Lever
I love to empower and equip female entrepreneurs to build the profitable, lifestyle business they originally set out to create. The GraceLever.com community is inspired regularly with fresh video training, step-by-step guides, tools and downloadables to help create the lifestyle business you deserve.
Through the power of digital marketing, my philosophy is centered on the principle of “Doing” and I equip business women to embrace good old-fashioned Doing with my Live “Doing Day” Workshops across the country.
Our community is nearing 10,000 members strong and is a genuine network of inspiring, passionate and thriving women, changing their worlds in their own part of the globe! The Doing Academy gives female entrepreneurs the opportunity to build a business they love and escape entrepreneurial ground-hog day!
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.