Ryan Hogue - Merch By Amazon
About Ryan, Your Coach
I applied for my Merch account in late 2016 & was accepted in early 2017.
I’ve gotten multiple Amazon Merch accounts out of tier 10
I’m currently in tier 200,000
I sold over 100 shirts while in tier 10
On my best day, I sold 107 Merch products generating $1,970 in sales, earning me over $700 in royalties
Lifetime stats: 19,000+ sales | $365,000+ revenue | $70,000+ royalties
Between Amazon FBA/FBM/Merch/KDP I’ve sold well over 7-figures on Amazon
In my courses, leave no stone unturned.
You will learn exactly how I discover trends like the one that made me $700 in one day, how I find evergreen niches (using both...
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