Ali Abdaal – Part-Time Youtuber Academy
? Making Money from YouTube
18 months later, my YouTube channel was at 100,000 subscribers and was making as much money as my full-time job working as a doctor in the UK. And now, as of October 2021, my channel has over 2 million subscribers and I make over £100,000 ($130k) each month, with 5-10 hours of effort each week. I know — it’s bloody ridiculous.
The Secret to 100,000+ Subscribers
- Producing content that your audience finds useful
- Posting this on YouTube once a week
- Repeating this for at least 2 years
But sadly, as with all things, getting started and maintaining quality + consistency is easier said than done.
? The Challenges of Being a YouTuber
- It feels daunting to create videos for 2+ years. You won’t see much growth, or money, in the early stages.
- You’ll have to get over the fear of judgment from friends, family and strangers on the internet.
- You’ll have to work out what you’re going to talk about + why anyone would care what you’ve got to say.
- You’ll need to learn about cameras, microphones, lights, video editing and post-production.
- You’ll worry that you’re going to run out of ideas.
- You’ll be thinking about the YouTube algorithm, while also trying not to think about the YouTube algorithm.
- You’ll end up negotiating with brands and having to develop your own negotiation skills to do it.
But it’s also really fun, and if you can make it work, it’s genuinely life-changing.
Instead of thinking of your YouTube channel as a personal project, you want to think about it like a machine. A machine that takes inputs in the form of ideas, refines them into valuable content that your audience loves, and efficiently monetises itself across multiple asset classes.
? The Part-Time YouTuber Academy
It’s based on the Infinite Content Engine, the system I’ve developed to grow my channel from zero to 2.2 million subscribers (with $1,500,000+ in annual revenue) while working full-time as a doctor.
We ran Cohort 1 in November 2020, Cohort 2 in March 2021 and Cohort 3 in June 2021 serving over 1,000 students in the process and producing fantastic results and glowing testimonials.
Cohort 4 will run from 1st November to 10th December. Each week, we’ll have a combination of live Zoom lectures, Q&A Office Hours, homework video assignments and small group sessions to help you kickstart your new channel or build upon your existing one.
Each week, we’ll also have a series of Guest Workshops featuring people like Pat Flynn, and small group sessions to help you get the most from the course.
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