Cardone University - The Sales process
Increasing and closing sales throughout the sales process requires more than just following a handful of sales tips. Salespeople must utilize negotiating strategy, poise, and forward thinking to lead a client toward an agreement to close a sale. Designing the perfect sales process for your business can be a challenging task, and subsequently motivating your sales team to adopt a sales process is an entirely different conversation.
The Sales Process course in Grant Cardone Sales Training University will show you how to get motivated to create the perfect sales process for both you and your customers.
The sales training in this course offers a blended learning approach, which includes consultation from your in-house training facilitator to help design your perfected sales process, and then follow up with plan to implement it.
The lessons within the course include negotiating, sales presentation tips regarding buyer behavior then looks at best practices for fact finding.
The course also includes sales training best practices, sales presentation tips and finally how to close a sale with a winning proposal that gets the deal done.
What you will get:
- Learn how you can increase sales with a Perfected Sales Process
- Learn sales presentation tips for using your sales process as an asset that will increase sales
- Best Practices for Fact Finding and Negotiating
- Industry leading Sales Strategies and Sales Advice
- Double your proposals presented to clients
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