CopyHackers - The Conversion Copywriting Workshop
Read by 350,000+ digital marketers, bloggers and copywriters a month

Joanna is the best copywriter I’ve ever met, hands down. One of the things that makes her so freakin’ good is her unique ability to combine finely-tuned intuition from years of experience with solid research.
Michael Aagaard CRO Expert (formerly @ Unbounce)

Joanna’s trainings are incredible. Her techniques are genius in their simplicity. Her over-the-shoulder tutorials make absorbing the material both easy and fun. Even if you’re not a copywriter, you’ll be able to write with confidence and know it’s damn good.
Marie Forleo Author and Founder of MarieTV

Because it’s so critical, I cannot impress this upon you enough: learn to write emails from Joanna. Do what she says. You’ll 10x your confidence. And as for business results? The sky’s the limit.
Brian Dean Founder, Backlinko

Just wrapped up my very first campaign for a super competitive affiliate launch. Using the strategies and templates from both 10x Emails and 10x Landing Pages, I was able to hit over $15K in revenue! These programs are making money for me over and over again
Tarzan Kay Copywriter @ Tarzan Kay
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.