Dolf De Roos - Property Investors School
The Property Investor’s School is a live recording of our unique two-day event, which is only available to a select number of participants in any year. Professionally recorded and edited, this course will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to easily create passive income through real estate. While there can be no substitute for attending our live event, this recording is the next best thing. In fact, our participants who have listened to the program prior to attending the event greatly increase what they learn and retain.
The program refers to a Proposal for Finance document that is available on the website. You may view it and download it by clicking on the link below. Of course, if you do not yet have the audio set, you can still view the Proposal for Finance but you won’t get the benefit of the detailed explanations.
Included: Property Investor’s Guidebook – an interactive 100+ page workbook designed to be used in conjunction with the audio portion of the PIS allowing you to work along with Dolf as he takes you through individual investment processes.
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.