Foundr - Growth Hacking Playbook
The legendary startups of the world have one thing in common—they know how to grow.
Yes, they all started off with a product that the market wanted (what the entrepreneurial crowd calls the “product-market fit”).
But having a tool people want and having one that lots of people use are two very different things, the latter separating successful companies from those that stagnate or even utterly fail.
The key is that successful startups know how to take a product the market wants and translate that into widespread adoption. That’s what we call serious growth, and achieving it is more an art than a science. That’s why so many new companies aren’t able to grow and break through the storied “valley of death”—the painful stretch when sales haven’t grown enough to keep the business afloat.
Today, dear Foundr family, we are here to help you make it across this treacherous valley of death, and emerge a fully formed business with an upward trajectory. And if you’ve made it past the valley already, but you’re stuck on a plateau of growth, we’ll take you beyond that too.
Either way, if you are an entrepreneur with a startup that you know is beaming with potential to disrupt your industry, acquire customers at scale, and grow into nothing short of a phenomenon, we have something that will help you take your business to the next level.
Introducing, the Growth Hacking Playbook
Growth is the philosopher’s stone (Harry Potter fans, anyone?) for most startups. They know that once they find it, they’ll turn their tool into gold. Relatively few, however, are able to pull this off.
The ones that do grow often do so after implementing “spaghetti-against-the-wall” marketing where luck and a lot of spending play a larger role than any thought-out strategic plan or system. Other times, businesses rely on popular growth hacks that get a short-term burst of attention that fades away all too quickly.
What if you had a proven framework for sustainably growth hacking your business? One that takes your business from that boring “linear” growth to the hockey stick growth—whether that’s going from $100 to $1,000 a month, or $1 million to $10 million in annual revenue.
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