[Free Download] Infinite Scale – Foundr Premium

Infinite Scale - Foundr Premium

As Foundr has grown over the years, digital courses and other products have become a pillar of our business. In the past three years, Foundr has created and marketed 12 courses and taught more than 13,000 students.

Every course came from the same, now-perfected process:

  1. We found a topic our lovely audience wanted to learn about.
  2. We created a bunch of content around that topic.
  3. We offered 99% of that content for free.
  4. We created 1% in the form of paid courses for people who wanted premium, intensive training.

Not only has this strategy helped us create content that our community wants, but we’ve also been able to cultivate a large and growing brand around entrepreneurship. With every successful course, we’ve been able to create far more digital products and resources, typically free of charge, which gets us closer to achieving our mission of helping 10 million entrepreneurs launch 10 million kick-ass businesses.

To date, we’ve created courses for ecommerce entrepreneurs (Start & Scale), consultants and freelancers (Consulting Empire), Instagram marketing (Instagram Domination), and many more on other marketing topics (List Building Mastery, 7-Figure Copywriting, etc.).

We admittedly were figuring this all out as we went along in those early days, like when Nathan first hacked together a course based on his own success with Instagram marketing. But by now, we feel like we’ve got the process pretty much down to a science.

We’ve even published a fair number of articles about creating and selling online courses, which have all been devoured by our audience. But, as with the many other hot topics we’ve focused on, that’s just not enough for everyone.

So naturally, we figured, how about a course about making courses!

Sometimes it’s easier to succeed when you have a step-by-step formula to follow that has been proven to work, by practitioners who have executed it successfully many times. For people seeking that level of in-depth experience, we did what we had to do and built a course on exactly how we create, launch, and market online courses, Foundr style.

Today, we’re opening the doors on that course for the first time.

Introducing Infinite Scale: How to Build a Digital Products Business Around Online Courses

If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.

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  1. Astro 4 years ago
  2. smakso 2 years ago

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