Ian Stanley - One Hour Workday
One Hour Workday – This is an eight week course to help you create a business that only requires one hour of work per day. OR to help you make more from your existing business.
Think of it as a rapid implementation workshop. Our focus will be on increasing your leverage to make more money without increasing the amount of time you have to work.
I’m basically taking you through my full process for building and improving businesses.
This is essentially me teaching you all the most important stuff I’ve learned over the past 5 years of working inside businesses and building my own. During that time I’ve sold over $100 million of products and services…
…all while rarely working more than a few hours per day.
Here’s What You Get Inside The One Hour Workday:
- Module 1 – Your Ideal Day
We go over a step-by-step system for creating your “Ideal Day.” Your Ideal Day is meant to be something you get to live most days of the week. You get to choose when you work, how much you work, and more importantly…what you’re going to do with the rest of your time.
- Module 2 – Niche Selection
The most important part of guaranteeing your success with your business is selecting the right niche. I walk you through a research process to help ensure you make the right choice. The key is finding the sweet spot of profit AND passion. I want you to build something you love. Something that brings joy to your life almost everyday you work on it. It is possible to make a great living doing something you love. But you need to follow a proven process to ensure you pick the right niche.
- Module 3 – Collecting Emails
Landing Pages and Lead Magnets: Before you start getting traffic you need to have the right page to to collect emails. I give you examples and templates you can use to make your own. You can get creative…or you can just use my proven templates to succeed. Just fill in the blanks and you’re good to go. We’re even creating funnel templates for you so you have to do as little work as possible to get things going.
- Module 4 – Free Traffic
There’s one free traffic that is almost perfectly designed for the One Hour Workday. When you do this strategy the right way, you’ll never have to pay for traffic if you don’t want to. In fact, if you follow the system properly, Facebook will essentially pay you to build your email list. I’m personally using this strategy alongside my paid traffic and I’m getting great results.
- Module 5 – Check in Q + A
In this call we go over pressing questions from OHWD members and answer anything you need help with at this point in the process.
- Module 6 – Paid Traffic
In this module we teach you how to set up paid ads. I recorded this training with the guys I personally pay to run traffic for my business. They’re pros who’ve spent millions of dollars on ads. They walk you through the steps of setting up ads that will turn into dollars.
- Module 7 – How To Write Profitable Emails FAST
One of the reasons I created this system is because I wanted to make something that ANYONE could use to make money online. It does require some work, but once you’ve put the system in place, it doesn’t take much to keep things running. There’s one sentence I say over and over again when it comes to making money online: If you can write emails to a friend, you can make money online. I know that may sound too good to be true, but I know it’s true because I’ve helped people just like you do it.
- Module 8 – How To Monetize Your List
I give you some basic and advanced strategies on how you can make money from your email list and audience. This is my true specialty. This is why people pay me $10,000 per person at my email copy and deliverability workshops. I give you the strategies to make as much as possible from each person on your list.
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.