Matthew Kratter - Trader University
Hi there!
My name is Matthew Kratter.
I am the founder of Trader University, and the best-selling author of multiple books on trading and investing.
I have more than 20 years of trading experience, including working at large hedge funds.
I know how professional traders and investors approach the markets.
And I am committed to sharing their secrets with you.
At Trader University, I teach the best stock trading strategies and investment techniques used by professional traders.
Trader University is the kind of resource that I wish I had when I was first getting started in the stock market.
Whether you are a complete beginner, or an advanced trader, I've got you covered.
At Trader University, I teach you how to trade stocks, options, futures, and Bitcoin like a pro.
When I am not trading or teaching, I enjoy skiing and hiking in the Rockies with my wife, kids, and dogs.
Take a look around Trader University.
Be sure to check out all of my free videos on YouTube.
Pick up one of my books from Amazon.
And then when you are ready, sign up for a monthly membership with Trader University to access my premium courses and content.
I am glad that you found Trader University.
I am here to help you on your trading journey.
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