Ty Cohen - Kindle CashFlow Revamp
Online entrepreneur Ty Cohen’s course promises to assist you every step of the way.
The DVDs contain “90 modules and ten hours of step-by-step training,” covering the planning, writing, outsourcing, pricing, marketing, and publication of Kindle eBooks. Including what not to do!
Read below for a detailed breakdown of the content!
Ty Cohen comes from a corporate background.
But ten years ago, he quit his job to start selling eBooks on Kindle.
He claims that within four months, he scaled his monthly earnings from $174.00 to $2,297.30.
Now he regularly makes five figures a month and has sold over 100,000 physical books and eBooks combined.
Seeing the Kindle’s increasing market share, he created Kindle Cash Flow 1.0 to help others achieve similar success.
It’s designed for entrepreneurs at every stage of the Kindle journey, whether you’re a total newbie or already have a few eBooks out there (but aren’t making an ideal profit).
Now’s a great time to get started in the eBook industry.
Kindle revenues are ever increasing, and eBook writers make substantially higher royalties than traditional book writers (70% if the eBook costs less than $9.99, 35% otherwise).
It’s free to publish on Amazon, and let’s face it, a hell of a lot easier than finding a publisher to even read your book, let alone invest in it.
Amazon also helps market your eBook by suggesting it to potential buyers.
If an eBook does really well, they’ll even market it on Google.
If you’re not a writer, don’t worry. The course shows you how to outsource that work.
But if you are, this could be a fantastic helping hand in getting your work out there.
This may also be a great investment for those with online products or services, as eBooks can be a great lead generator!
Cohen even claims that his 14-year-old daughter is pulling in a few thousand dollars a month publishing eBooks on Amazon.
If this Author or Course helped you make money or more money. It is really worth it if you go and buy his/her course. Get feedback and help by his/her community. The Author support is much more valuable than the course itself.
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